Lavender Bouquet (Deluxe)
Price on application
Lavender roses have the traditional meaning of “love at first sight,” and Lavender Bouquet is one of relatively few high-performing varieties in this colour. She opens just enough to reveal the complex shaping of her central petals. Outer petals may be edged with a deeper, more vivid purple, accentuating the colour.
Colour: Lavender
Secondary Colour: Raspberry
Bloom Form: Tubular and wavy
Bloom Size (6 day period): Starts at 1.7 and opens to 4.6 inches
Head Size: Medium
Petal Count: 70
Fragrance Intensity: 0 of 5
Fragrance: Not applicable
Vase Life: 12 Days
Origin: Germany
Length: 40-60 cm